terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2019

7 curiosidades sobre Antonella

Antonella, a mais nova professora do Cavalinho Feliz, já é uma antiga conhecida de todos nós. Sabemos que ela foi casada com Andrew, com quem teve Asa, e que atualmente está com John, pai de Crystall, porém tem ainda muita coisa que não sabemos, então, vem aí uma pequena lista sobre 7 curiosidades da moça (algumas acompanhadas por histórias):

1- Ela tem duas irmãs chamadas Luna e Chiara e é a filha do meio.

           (Chiara)                                                    (Luna)
2- Quando era pequena, participou de comerciais de fralda e boneca.

3- Seu tio é dono de uma pequena loja de gelatto, na qual ela já trabalhou como atendente na adolescência.

4- Antonella conheceu Andrew enquanto vendia pinturas numa praça em UK.

Antonella estava sentada lendo um livro, quando viu um possível cliente observando as pinturas. Ela prontamente se levantou e perguntou:
- Do you want some help?
- Just looking. - Respondeu, ao que pareceu secamente, o cliente.
- Ok!
O cliente ora olhava para as pinturas, ora olhava para trás. Antonella percebeu que ele observava uma mulher no celular, provavelmente sua namorada. Após um pequeno tempo nesse movimento, ao notar que ele já estava se direcionando para outra barraca, ela emendou rapidamente:
- These paintings were made by people without arms.
- Seriously? They are very good. - Disse ele. Antonella sentiu que ele só disse aquilo por educação, já que para ela faltou empolgação na resposta.
- Yeah, very impressive! Some of them... - Ela se interrompeu, percebendo que ele queria ir embora. - I'm sorry. I'm stucking you here.
- No, no. I'm so sorry. - o cliente disse meio envergonhado - It's because, you see, I'm not christian, so...
- Ooooh! - Ela disse surpresa - Yeah, I got it! 
- But you can finish, though.
- I would just say that some of these paintings are also mine.
- Oh, you are a painter. 
- Yeah. - Ela olhou pra baixo.
- But you have arms. - Constatou ele, olhando rapidamente para trás.
- I know. I mean, I don't paint with them. I paint in a church that promotes this humm... this project. So I come here every Saturday and Sunday to try to sell it.
- Wich ones are yours?
- This three.
- Just that?
- I actually painted more, but the priest didn't like it very much, so ... just these three.
- May I ask why he didn't like it?
- Well... - Os pensamentos de Antonella estavam confusos. Ela não era muito fluente em inglês, então era difícil pra ela explicar algo tão complexo com clareza. - Let me try to explain you... I'm not english.
- I noticed that. Where are you from?
- Italy.
- Oh! I've never been there, but I have friends who have been and they said that it's a beautiful country.
- It is, it is. You should go there, someday. But is also very competitive when it comes to painting, you know, 'cause it's the art... Hmmm... the place that art... the birth of the art?
- Yeah, yeah! - Ele riu bem discretamente. - I understand.
- Well, so about the priest, he didn't like it because I tried to show Jesus birth from another perspective. I mean, I believe that Mary struggled a lot when she found out that she gonna be Jesus mom. Sometimes, I believe, that she felt really scared, like... like it was a burden that she couldn't take, you know? But how she could deny such task? And I also think that sometimes she was relax, everybody happy around her, or she was cooking or something, and then, out of nothing, she reminds that she will going to be Jesus mom and then she felt something in her heart, a nervous and a weight, and didn't know how was going to be. And I also imagine the pain of the birth, and the love for her child and the burden of being Jesus mother. To doubt of herself. I tried to capt those moments. Those moments that aren't in the bible, but as a human being, you kind imagine that she felt. Do you understand what I'm saying?
- Totally! - Respondeu ele, que parecia absorto no que ela estava dizendo. - And what did the father say?
- Well, he said that she felt scared in the begining, but God give her confidence to not fear what was coming, so she not feared anymore. And he also said that those feeelings that I was trying to capt are human feelings, but when it comes to Mary, she is a saint, so she didn't feel all those things that I thought she might feel. I think in a catholic perspective, what I thought is inconceivable.
- I think that those paintings that you did were way better than these ones. More meanfull, you know? You should try to sell them.
- I don't know. Maybe...
- I would really like to see them someday. 
- I can bring them next Saturday or Sunday, if you like.
- Yeah, yeah! Sounds nice!
De repente chegou uma mulher, que se direcionou a ele dizendo:
- Hi!
- Hi! - Ele se virou para ela - How's Michelle?
- She's terrible! She is doing a lot of drama, as only she does. - Ela fez uma pequena pausa e depois continou - So, what you're doing?
- I'm seeing these paintings. They were painted by people without arms.
- Wow! They're great! - Disse ela fingindo certa empolgação. Antonella percebeu que ela levava uma aliança no dedo anelar da mão esquerda. "Então são noivos", ela pensou. 
- So... I'll take this one. I'm an art supporter. - Ele disse a última frase olhando para sua noiva.
- Really? - Perguntou Antonella surpresa. - Oh, thank you very much. Paul is gonna love it.
- How much does it cost? - Perguntou a mulher.
- Ten pounds. - Respondeu Antonella embrulhando o quadro.
- Ok! - Disse Andrew pegando a carteira e entregando o dinheiro.
- Thank so much! - Falou Antonella entregando o quadro.
- Your welcome! Bye!
- Come on, Andrew! - Disse a mulher baixinho puxando Andrew pela mão e depois se virando para Antonella e dizendo: - Bye!
- Bye, guys, and thank you! See ya! - Antonella falou animada.
Enquanto via os dois saindo de mãos dadas, Antonella se sentiu vitoriosa por tê-lo feito levar alguma coisa. Ele havia dito que apareceria semana que vem para ver os outros quadros natalinos que ela tinha mencionado. Ela riu quando lembrou disso com uma convicção absoluta de que nunca mais veria aquele cara de novo. 

5- Antonella desde pequena sempre quis que sua filha se chamasse Crystall.

- I was wondering... - Andrew disse próximo do ouvido de Antonella, enquanto os dois estavam abraçados na cama - that it's time for us to think about the name of our litte accident.
Antonella franziu a testa e perguntou:
- Really? Right now?
- Right now. - Respondeu ele imitando o sotaque de Antonella.
- Well... I already know the girl's name. 
- Without consulting me? - Perguntou ele, apertando a barriga dela com o dedo para fazer cosquinha.
- Without consulting you. - Disse ela rindo, por causa da cosquinha. - Stop! - Ela pediu ainda rindo.
- Alright, alright! So, what is the name?
- Cristalli. - Ela disse se virando para ele para ver sua reação.
- Cristalli? - Disse ele estranhando o nome. - Where did you get that from?
- Well, when I was a child... A kid... A child?
- Both are fine.
- No, I can do better. When I was little... - Disse ela orgulhosa de si mesma. - Are you proud?
- Honestly, all I want to know is the rest of the story.
- Argh! Ok! So when I was little, I was obsessed with crystals, so much that my favorite dolls were called "Cristalli".
- It must be confusing for them...
- It was not, because I had a system...
- Hmm... - Andrew riu zombeteiro.
- ...that only one doll could call "Cristalli", so if my favorite doll changed, the old "Cristalli" would got another name.
- I bet many "Cristalli" have suffered from an identity crisis.
- Mock all you want. The important thing is that I will not give up having a girl named "Cristalli".
- Ok, but if "Cristalli" means crystal and we are in UK, why not "Crystal"? It's a relatively good name as well.
- With double "l" at the end?
Andrew franziu a testa e disse a contragosto:
- Whatever you want.
- Alright! I'll keep that in mind. - Disse Antonella satisfeita.
- Since you chose the girl's name, if it's a boy, can I choose?
- It'll be a girl. My family is a woman's family.
- Well, my family is basically a man-only family. 
- Ok. So you can choose the boy's name. But - Ela deu ênfasis no "but" - I will have the right to deny at least two names.
- It's a deal!
- Look how evolved we are. - Disse Antonella levantando da cama para ir ao banheiro. - We've already picked the names without fighting. - Ela disse saindo do cômodo.
- That's because you don't know my name options. - Falou ele baixinho rindo.

6- Antonella conheceu seu atual marido numa aula de alemão.

O professor pediu para os alunos fazerem duplas para realizarem a atividade de conversação que estava na apostila. Antonella e John, então, se juntaram para a tarefa. Depois de terminada, John perguntou:
- So why German?
- Well, why not?
- Fair enough.
- I'm kidding. I'm actually just learning German because I want some time for myself.
- And you wanted to spend your time learning German?! This language is horrible! - Disse John brincalhão.
- Yeah, it's kinda hard. - Ela riu.
- Is VERY hard. - Ele enfatizou o "very".
- And you? Why German?
- My boss, who is a horrible person, by the way, forced the employees to learn German, so here I am.
- It's a little bit fun...
- ... Funny this feeling inside? - Ele interrompeu ela. - Don't you think it's a little early to say that?
- For Christ sake! - Ela revirou os olhos. - I would say that is a little bit FUN learn another language.
- Right! If that language is not German.
- I thought we have fun in our German conversation.
- You have fun and I was bored during the whole conversation, as a normal person would. Actually, I did not even understand what we talked about.
- Are you saying that I'm not a normal person? - Ela perguntou fingindo estar chocada.
- That's exactly what I meant.
- Oh!
- By the way, I'm John.
- Antonella.
- Schön dich kennenzulernen, Antonella. (Prazer em conhecê-la, Antonella)
- The f*** schön dich kennen... zu... lar...
- Kennenzulernen.
- You know what I meant!
Os dois riram e o professor que havia escutado a última frase os interrompeu e disse:
- Auf deutsch! (Em alemão!)
- Sorry, I mean, es tut mir leid. - Disse Antonella.
O professor foi para o outro canto. Os dois se entreolharam e começaram a rir novamente baixinho.

7- Antonella começou a morar com John 3 meses depois de pedir o divórcio.

Espero que tenham gostado das curiosidades! :) 

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