segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2017

Família Aaandrew ♫

Antonella estava sentada na cama do filho botando ele para dormir, quando disse:
- Are you excited to go to Disney? - Perguntou Antonella fazendo carinho na barriga de Asa por cima da coberta.
- Yeah, I think so… I don’t know. Maybe.
- Do you think so? How come? - Antonella enrugou a testa.
- I don’t know. I think it'll be weird.
- And why would it be? - A loira antes de deixar Asa responder, já deduz a resposta - Is it because of daddy and Tony? Cause if it’s, there’s no reason. Both are doing really well now.
- It's actually because of you and daddy. You always end up fighting when you spend a lot of time together.
- We? No, no, you're exaggerating. Your father and I... Well, we have our disagreements, but it's only because we love you and want your best. But look, you can rest assured that on this trip we won’t argue, okay?
O menino assentiu e ficou quieto. A mãe começou a fazer carinho no cabelo do filho e ao ver o rosto dele triste, perguntou:
- What happened? Don’t you believe me?
- Is not that! It's just that I feel guilty that you guys have to deal with each other only because I exist, especially now, with all this situation.
- Don’t you ever say something like that again, Asa! You're not guilty of anything, okay? And look, even if I didn’t get pregnant with you, even if I had no children with your father, I would never regret have married him, ever! Your father was very important in my life and I learned a lot from him. At the end it didn’t work, it's true. We made a lot of mistakes, but even then, if I could go back in time and live all our story over again, I’d live. I don’t regret having loved your father and I still do love him. He taught me what really matters in life and I'm going to keep all those teachings in my heart. You’ve been the icing on the cake that has blessed our lives and I’m very grateful to have you as a link and fruit of everything Andrew and I have lived.
- Is that all true? - Perguntou o menino querendo esconder um sorriso que queria se fazer no rosto dele.
- Absolutely! And can I tell you a secret? - Indagou Antonella animadamente. O garoto assentiu e ela continuou - I love teasing your dad. I do it on purpose sometimes.
Asa riu e falou:
- Really?
- Hell yeah! But don’t tell your father so he'll brag about this forever.
- I promise!
Os dois uniram os dedos mindinhos para selar a promessa sorrindo. Antonella então disse:
- Now go to sleep, because tomorrow we’ll have a long day packing.
- OK! Good night mom!
- Good night, Asa! Love you, my son!
- Love you too.
Antonella deu um beijo na testa do filho, levantou da cama, cobriu-o até a cabeça com a coberta, apagou as luzes do quarto, saiu de lá, fechou a porta, tapou a boca e começou a chorar.

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