domingo, 29 de outubro de 2023


 “Margot, darling, are you listening me?”

A loira despertou dos seus devaneios e olhou para a avó, que a encarava preocupada.

“Sorry, grandma, I got distracted”.

“With what? Did something happen?”

“With tomorrow's exam”, mentiu Margot.

“Do you have an exam tomorrow? No going out today then!”

“Okay.”, concordou Margot, que não tinha planos para aquele dia. A loira sentia falta de UK.

“Com licença, o lanche está pronto!”, falou uma das empregadas da casa.

“Get your sister upstairs!”

Margot fez uma careta. Ela queria contestar, mas desistiu por saber que seria uma batalha perdida. Era melhor chamar Maeve logo. A inglesa entrou no quarto da irmã e percebeu que Maeve estava na suíte tomando banho. Antes que falasse algo, viu o seu hidratante em cima da mesa de cabeceira de sua irmã.

“Thief!”, falou baixo Margot com raiva. Desconfiada de que houvesse outra coisa sua no quarto da irmã, a garota começou a vasculhar silenciosamente o quarto da irmã. Não era sempre que tinha uma oportunidade dessas e achou que era a melhor chance de encontrar objetos seus que havia “perdido”. Nessa brincadeira, achou um anel seu e um antigo piercing que nunca havia usado. 

Ao abrir o armário e mexer em algumas gavetas de Maeve, encontrou outro pertence seu que nunca havia dado falta até aquele momento: uma foto de Sebastian. “Wtf???”, pensou Margot surpresa. Sua irmã gostava de Sebastian? Como assim? Ela era tão nova quando os dois namoraram e nunca tinha comentado nada. É claro que não comentaria nada com ela, as duas nem amigas eram, mas ainda assim…

Margot percebeu que Maeve estava prestes a sair do banheiro. Valeria a pena confrontá-la sobre algo assim? Ela nem gostava mais de Sebastian, pelo contrário, agora o detestava! 

Maeve abriu a porta do banheiro de toalha e viu a irmã em frente a sua gaveta de calcinhas.

“What are you doing here?”, gritou Maeve. “I can't believe you're going through my things, you little prick!”

“Why do you keep a photo of Seb in your knicker drawer? A photo that used to be mine, by the way!”

Maeve entrou em choque. Não esperava que Margot tivesse encontrado a prova do crime.

“Hello? Cat got your tongue?”

“This has nothing to do with you!”

“He was my boyfriend“.

“And now it’s your ex-boyfriend”, corrigiu Maeve.

“He's an idiot. And he's married!”

“If you must know, I don't like him anymore, but I forgot the photo in the drawer. You shouldn't look through my things!”

“It's your fault for stealing from me!”

“I'm not stealing anything from you, you crazy!”

“That was my picture, that ring too!”

“It was mum's ring!”

“And she gave it to me!”

“She lent it to you! I have the right to borrow it too!”

“You're so jealous! You want everything that's mine!”

“Me? Get a grip, you've got nothing! You beat the prettiest girl in school and half your mates have already regretted voting for you because you're boring and dull!”

“Meanwhile you can't even win the prettiest title! You're just my ugly sister”.

“I might be, but at least the guys really like me for who I am and none of them say I'm insufferable!”

“Oh great, so Asa likes you! Great man!”

“Who says I'm talking about Asa?”

“What other man likes you, honey?”

“From my class, a lot, if you ask me”.

“In my class, most of the boys like me and the ones in your class, I'm pretty sure that if I showed any interest, they'd prefer me over you!”

“Margot, if men like you so much, why are you still single?”

“Because I want to!”

“And why do the men you've dated want nothing but distance from you?”

“Who wants to stay away from me? Seb? No wonder everyone's calling him gay!”

“Not just Sebastian. Joe”.

“Joe wants distance from me?”, Margot forçou uma risada.

“He runs away from you!”

“Girl, you talk about me, but you don't have anyone! That ex of yours was awful!”

“He likes me to this day”.

“Because he's ugly, it's obvious that he'd latch on to anyone who gave him the time of  her day”.

“And not even an ugly man can get attached to you! Not even Wade, right, dear?”

“Wade is NOT ugly!”

“And Ryan just wanted to kiss you, because he'd rather have a girl who got pregnant as a teenager than to be with the prettiest girl in school! There's no point in being pretty and empty, Margot! Next year you'll lose your place and people will laugh at you for having voted for someone as empty as you. Good luck finding a big love, you'll need it!”

“You idiot! I'm taking all my stuff back, including that stupid photo, which was the most you got from Seb”.

“At least he doesn't say that even for all the beauty in the world, I'm not worth it!”

“F**k off, you f**king bitch”, Margot saiu batendo a porta fortemente.

No final do corredor, a avó de Margot estava parada olhando perplexa para a neta.

“Next time, you'll call her! I'm not hungry anymore!”, disse a loira indo em direção ao seu quarto e batendo o pé com raiva, enquanto se segurava para não deixar as lágrimas caírem.

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